Looking To Sell Your Artifacts?

November Native American Artifact and Southwest Pottery Sale

Native American Artifacts and Relics, HUGE collection of Native American Pottery and Art, most signed, along with other collectibles and memorabilia.

Native American, Indian, Signed, Navajo, Southwest, Pottery, Kokopelli, Fetish, Animal, Effigy, Anthropomorphic, Horse Hair, Terra Cotta, Hand-crafted, Fired, Glazed, Painted, Vintage, Santa Clara, Redware, Hopi, Acoma, Wedding Vase, Bowl, Vessel, Signed, Clay, Bear, Turtle, Canoe, Totem Pole, Totem, Anasasi, Cliff Dwelling, Vase, Urn, Dish, Red Clay, Black-on-black ware, Mud Hut, Incense, Lidded Box, Lidded bowl, University, Art, Project, Souvenir, Trade, Tourist, Tourism, Reservation, Hand made, New Mexico, Arizona